7 Programs That Can Benefit From Our Corrections Compliance Technology

7 programs that can benefit from our corrections compliance technology

7 Programs That Can Benefit From Our Corrections Compliance Technology

Gulf Compliance Solutions offers a full suite of corrections compliance technology solutions. We are a compliance company that provides alternatives to traditional electronic monitoring by utilizing specialized smartphone technology. With increased GPS accuracy, smartphones do so much more than just ...

By gcsadmin

Gulf Compliance Solutions offers a full suite of corrections compliance technology solutions. We are a compliance company that provides alternatives to traditional electronic monitoring by utilizing specialized smartphone technology. With increased GPS accuracy, smartphones do so much more than just put participants on the map. Here are just 7 types of programs that can benefit from our corrections compliance technology:

7 programs that can benefit from our corrections compliance technology
7 programs that can benefit from our corrections compliance technology

Pretrial Services

Supervision and monitoring of defendants released during the pretrial period is a key function of pretrial services. In performing this essential function, pretrial services programs should apply the same risk principle that underlies pretrial release decisions. Research indicates that supervision conditions should be tailored to the individual defendant’s risk and needs related to public safety and appearance for court proceedings. Court date reminders have been shown to be an effective method to improve appearance rates for all defendants. Other common supervision conditions include regular check-ins with a pretrial case manager, drug and alcohol testing, and electronic monitoring.

This explanation of the importance of risk assessment to determine the appropriate pretrial monitoring needed is exactly why we believe our suite of personalized corrections compliance technology is the best option for these types of programs.

Probation and Parole

Research suggests that for a criminal event to occur there must be an opportunity to commit a crime. Probation officers may work with defendants on supervision, family members, neighbors, other community members, and law enforcement agencies to structure and monitor the defendant’s routine activities and reduce the extent to which defendants come into contact with criminal opportunities. Probation officers may also monitor defendants through contacts with the defendant and his or her social network, verifying employment, restricting travel, and providing positive reinforcement for prosocial routine activities.

Location monitoring technology can assist with ensuring that defendants avoid places with crime opportunities. That comes straight from the United States Courts and is a testament to the value of our product suite.

Treatment Courts

A participant’s progress through the drug court experience is measured by his or her compliance with the treatment regimen. Certainly cessation of drug use is the ultimate goal of drug court treatment. However, there is value in recognizing incremental progress toward the goal, such as showing up at all required court appearances, regularly arriving at the treatment program on time, attending and fully participating in the treatment sessions, cooperating with treatment staff, and submitting to regular testing.

Our corrections compliance technology aids the treatment agencies in giving the court accurate and timely information about a participant’s progress.

Residential Reentry Centers

The judicial system relies on Residential Reentry Centers (RRCs), also known as halfway houses or community correctional facilities, during various phases in the criminal justice system. RRCs are transitional housing that provide safe, structured, and supervised environments for residents and offer various programs and services. The supervision part is where we excel. Whatever your supervision needs are, we have compliance solutions that can help.

Work Release

Certain people in prison may be eligible to enter a transitional work program prior to release from incarceration, depending on the offense of conviction. People who are approved for the program are required to work at an approved job and when not working they must return to the structured environment of their assigned facility. Officers are assigned monitoring responsibilities for these individuals.

TWPs are successful in assisting an imprisoned person with making the transition from prison back into the work force. With our corrections compliance technology, work release programs can do a better job of monitoring program compliance to lead to a decrease in the recidivism rate of their participants.

Other Community Corrections Programs

Community corrections encompasses rehabilitation, educational training, employment assistance, ensuring public safety, and offender monitoring. We can help with ensuring public safety and offender monitoring so you can focus on the things you know best.

Tribal Courts

The independent tribal court system is an important tool for tribes to maintain their own legal traditions and to resolve disputes within their communities. Because these independent systems often lack resources available in larger programs, outsourcing the compliance tasks is even more important here.

Moving our programs from coordinates to conversations

By utilizing data-informed monitoring technology, we aim to expand possibilities for justice-involved individuals and monitoring agencies while forging a path for successful reentry by offering a spectrum of solutions at every risk level.

Contact us for your agency’s corrections compliance technology solutions

Whether you’re administering a program dealing with pretrial services, probation and parole, a treatment court, residential reentry center, work release, community corrections program, tribal court, or some other type, we encourage you to contact us to see how our corrections compliance technology solutions can help make things easier and more effective for you and your participants. To establish a relationship so you can then easily enroll new participants, program supervisors can call us at 334-234-7785 or fill out our online form.